Monday, January 07, 2008

Gorilla Montreal trip in DOUBT

as the geust of honor continues to ceceede from the Union and form a solitary alliance, the Great Montreal Trip of 08 is in doubt......skaters on both sides of the blueline shook their heads in disgust and dirty politics ruled the day on Sunday, the resending of "conficential" texts to the subject matters brought us to a new low.........the public voicing of private concerns surely was a SOUR attempt to drive a wedge between lifelong tu brute' ?? how sad.


HOFF said...

Maybe the trip should be moved to lovely Belmar. We can visit all the beautiful sights and haunts, with the biggest factor being we will all be home at 6PM for dinner on Sunday. Roll can drive the tour bus like he did this sunday. Did anyone get to watch the Giant game?

tomcat said...

well said......wel said.....they way things are progressing down in Neptune, Roll can fit everyone interested in a golf cart.......sorry...I forgot we are not allowed to talk about golf.