Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Hampshire Revisited

A.P. Wire 04:33 01/10/08 zuluu

In a bizarre twist to the normal caucus routine, Team "Gato 4 for El presidente~" has reversed course and once again gone against the traditional tide in this wacky campaign. As the Likes of Hillary and Johnny Mac moved on towards the Maze and Blue of the Michigan primary , Team Gato remained behind in Dixville Notch to quiz local voters. Having suffered another resounding defeat and still looking for their "first" vote , the Gato del Sol faithful chose to visit the Pubs of New Hampshire in an attempt to lure Unsupportive Voters into a fistfight. "If we could not convince them to vote for our candidate yesterday , then today we are just gonna beat the piss out of them and make them buy a few rounds of drinks" one obviously inebriated member of the Cats Crew was overheard to mumble to nobody in particular outside of the Moose ears Pub. " We have to remind these New Hampshire fagolias that we will be back come November , and unless they want their tires slashed and noses broken, they better wisen up when they go behind the curtain next time". An obviously perturbed, and drunk, Candidate, Gato himself chalked this up to a good idea run afoul…."My campaign team was simply implementing some basic management building exercises that we learnt from Joe barra……our guys may have been a little overzealous……but we did manage to drink for free all day and most of the night". Hillary Rotten Clinton refused to comment to an AP request for a comment on this unique strategy to canvass votes. John Mccain was too busy throwing darts at a photo of Osamma Obamma to take notice.

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